Monday, February 14, 2011

Week 5 - Weigh In

Loss for the week: -1.4 lbs
Starting weight: 238.0 lbs
Current weight: 229.4 lbs
Total loss to date: 8.6 lbs
Total Percentage Lost: 3.61%

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, Holly,you're almost at the ten pound mark and I have a feeling that you'll reach that really soon! Since I'm at your place so often I will try to encourage you to do the eliptical as well.
    Maybe it's just not time for you to have a man in your life. I'm glad you're waiting to see if this guy tries to get in touch with you again. I think he's on the shy side and that might be his problem. Enjoy your freedom from men right now though...there is a peace that comes with not accounting to anyone.
    I'm glad Dave moved on because you two didn't seem very happy with each other. It's easier too that you don't have him trying to come back since you still love the guy. Some day you'll find love again and hopefully it will be someone more suitable for you and who will love your children as their own.
    Food = Misery...that's how I look at it when I'm tring to diet. Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels...a quote that says it all.
    Good luck, Halala...I'm praying for you.
